Models of Atom


1.  John Dalton – his model showed that the elements could be classified as to integral values of atomic mass.
Ø  elements were composed of identical atoms acting the same way  in a chemical reaction.
Ø  “hook and eye model “to account for chemical combination.

2.  Dmitri Mendeleev – showed that if the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic mass, repetition of similar chemical properties occurred.
Ø  developed the first periodic table of elements.

3.  J.J. Thomson – described that electrons were an integral part of all atoms.
Ø His model of the atom has been described as a “ plum pudding “, with the plums representing the electrons.
 4.  Ernest Rutherford – introduced the nuclear model, which described the atom as containing a small dense, positively charge center surrounded by a negative cloud of electrons. He called the center of the atom the nucleus.
Ø      introduced the nuclear model
5.  Neils Bohr – his model was a miniature solar system in which the electrons revolved around the nucleus in prescribed orbits or energy levels.
Ø                  Improved Rutherford’s description of an atom.

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